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Clare Bentley I cannot put into words how much I admire you for writing this book!!! 

This is most certainly not for the faint hearted.
Kaidence Hadaway thinks she has found the perfect man in Mitchell Stevens until he moved in with her.
This book covers the very real topic of domestic violence, There are some parts of this book that are upsetting and disturbing, but that at the end of the day is what domestic violence is.
This at the end of the day is a topic that is too often brushed under the carpet and for Claire to have written this has taken incredible courage.
Kaidence lives in fear of her life each and every day her partner is around as she does not know which version of him will turn up next, The nice apologetic guy or the abusive monster.
Due to crimes in her local area a police officer turns up on her doorstep making enquiries, straight away he can see that she is a victim can this be the start of her getting out of this abusive relationship?
At times we do see the happier side of Kaidence, which does give us some light relief from the darker side of this story. She plans to leave her abusive partner, but he discovers a secret and once again the monster turns on her. Can she survive or will not leaving her abusive relationship be the death of her?
This is by far the most emotionally draining book I have listened to. The audio book was so beautifully narrated by the wonderful Sophie Philips.
I went through so many emotions listening to this and at times found that my eyes just wanted to cry for Kaidence, I just so much wanted her to get out and get away as far as possible.
This book is a reminder of what some people truly go through and I would encourage anyone in this situation to reach out for help and not to suffer in silence.
Clare Bentley you truly have my utmost respect!

Andrew Nattrass on Goodreads

Absolutely loved this book! Couldn’t put it down, yet again Clare has got me hooked. Not my usual kind of read but I just get so lost in her work, brilliant!

Rebecca Cooper on Goodreads

Wow. Where to start? Probably best to start with a warning: the subject matter of domestic abuse is a hard one to tackle, and Bentley pulls no punches with her debut novel (pun NOT intended). If you trigger easily, this is likely not the book for you.
The mind is a powerful thing—a place where we can find confidence and the strength to endure, but also capable of crippling us to our core with fear, self-doubt, and loathing.
Kaidence Hadaway’s story opens mid-beating, setting the tone for what is about to be a hell of an emotional ride as Bentley takes us through the ups and downs of trying to live a double life. With little family left, and no remaining friends to lean on (thanks to the mind games of Mitchell, her abuser), Kaidence opts to hide her abuse. Until she can’t.
A chance meeting with Officer Jackson Chase, while not an immediate fix to her problems, starts to open the door to her salvation. As her live-in manipulator, I mean boyfriend, gets deeper into her head, the missed days at work add up along with her injuries and injustices, leading to the increased need for professional intervention from those in the medical field and law enforcement. Unfortunately, with the amount of humiliation, degradation, and physical attacks she has endured, only Kaidence can decide when she’s had enough. What follows is a “two steps forward, one step back” situation. With every new friend she makes and chance at life she takes comes the inevitable “step back” as Mitchell’s vitriol and anger rain down on her. Somehow, she gets back up each time, stronger than before.
The technical writing aspects of this book are a little rough in places. Slipped tenses, rapidly shifting points of views (sometimes within a single paragraph), minor punctuation issues, and some inconsistencies in the narrative along with some concepts being repeated multiple times (making me, as the reader, feel the author doesn’t trust me to “keep up”) influenced my rating.
My editorial opinions aside, Bentley delivers a story not to be missed in What She Deserves. It’s an experience that truly is raw, real, and relatable.
Bravo, Ms. Bentley.

R. E. Hargrave on Amazon - USA

This was a heartfelt, moving story. It was also a pleasant surprise to end with the successful prosecution of the ex-boyfriend. Having had at least 2 friends who have suffered at the hands of partners this was further insight on which I can help them.

Kirsty Barrett on Amazon - UK

This is one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read. I’m not going to lie, but straight from the off Kaidence’s story hits you hard.
It actually made me cry at times, but not just at the awful relationship that Kaidence is in, but happy tears also, she is brave, strong, beautiful and shines over adversity!
The book is wonderfully written, it tackles a very strong subject amazingly well, i would highly recommend it!

Helen Neale on Amazon - UK

I won't lie, I've had this recommended many times and it has been on my TBR for a while, but I read to escape and I kept putting it off. Boy do I wish I hadn't. I've found this book incredibly hard to put down, sneaking reading time wherever I can and being truly hooked from the start.
It's grim reading at times, and hard to guess where Bentley is going to take it next. This is a clever ploy as it gives you just the tiniest of insights into what it must have been like to live pole that, never knowing what might trigger the next attack. Like I said,not my normal kind of read but a superb one and one I think everyone should brave. I thought I'd get annoyed with Kaidence, but she's taught me things and opened my eyes.
An absolutely fabulous book, one I have loved despite finding bits hard to read, and one I wholeheartedly recommend that everyone picks up a copy of!

LilyGreenEyes on Amazon - UK

This book was so gripping kept me hooked the ending has twist you don't see coming it shocked me and made me sad. Would recommend this book it is amazing.

Tina Moverley on Amazon - UK

If I could give this book a million stars I would. This book needs to be a film, its absolutely incredible. Beautifully written and gets to the guts of the issue. This is such a powerful story and so impeccably told that it could be about anyone. The strength that runs through this book is like a steel rod. I genuinely don't think the affects of this story will ever leave me.

S P Dawes on Amazon - UK

This book was amazing heartbreakingly amazing I honestly couldn't put it down. My heart hurts but it is also full at the fight Kaidence had. Although I had Jackson hopes and dreams. Everything just made the book and characters more real.
Honestly a brilliant read and would suggest it is read by all not as a warning but as a be aware for yourself for your friends for your family.
Much love to you Clare for this brilliant book.

Jennifer C on Amazon - UK

If you’ve got the stomach to dive into a story revolving around domestic abuse, I recommend this read. All too real at times. It took me some time to read through the book in its entirety because I could see faces of loved ones in my life as Kaidence as she spoke and experienced the abuse.

Serious applause to author Clare Bentley for taking such a heavy topic and bringing us a story of hope, the fight for justice, and a strong determination to live that any of us can relate to in some way.

Lauren Dufrene on Amazon - USA

Amazing book that I couldn't put down!
I wasn't sure at first that I wanted to read a book that mirrored a life I lived 20yrs ago, but I am so glad I did. Clare has handled a sensitive subject amazingly. This is a well written book that will make you feel every emotion you're reading. Totally recommend, you won't regret it. Congratulations Clare.

Kelly Kyte on Amazon - UK

I loved the book, and the reality of the issue it battled. Would of liked to of had more of a conclusion for the main characters. Hopefully they'll be further books to continue their story, especially for the Jackson character.

Steve R. on Amazon - UK

I couldn't put this book down and now I want to read it again and again and again and again. Such emotional and engaging writing that doesn't make the subject matter feel too heavy. It is written in such a vivid way that I can picture every scene and every character. Cannot believe it is Bentley's debut. Congratulations Clare.

Aymz Aamna on Amazon - UK

I absolutely loved this book. When I had first heard that it was about domestic abuse I was a bit unsure as it was not something I had wanted to read before. However I’m glad I did.
I found myself laughing and crying alone with the main character; rooting for her and the man who pushed her to leave her abusive ex to become something more...
And then when she faced her abusive ex I found myself practically cheering that she could look him in the eye.
This is a fantastic read from a new author, and I cannot wait for what Clare has in store for us in her next novel...

Thank you Clare for opening my eyes to how bad domestic abuse can be...

Drake Leigh on Goodreads

Brilliant well written book . Couldn't put it down. Can't wait for more books from Clare.

S L Maxwell on Goodreads

This book drew me in from the get go. The nature of the book means that you know it's going to be a heavy topic, nonetheless a topic that needs to be spoken about. Certain scenes aren't written for shock value, they're there to show you what Kaidence has had to live through. It makes you invested in her story, it makes you root for her to free herself from the torture and it makes you want to read chapter after chapter.
Care and research has definitely been taken to give you the full impact of the situation, I find that there's nothing worse than inaccurate books!
Domestic violence isn't usually what I would go for but what I will say is you have to give this book a try, it makes you really think about what happens behind closed doors.
Amazingly written in a way that flows, I'm so looking forward to Clare's next adventures!

Chloe Barnes on Goodreads

Such a great book, felt drawn into Kaidence's story from the beginning!
So emotional going through all the ups and downs!
Not my usual genre but if you're looking for something a little bit different that'll grip you then this is the book for you!

Sarah Crane on Amazon - UK

Definitely worth reading this book.
Going through Kaidence & her relationship will have you feeling angry & upset.
I’m no writer but the detail that’s gone into this book is amazing.
Look forward to her next publication.

Jude on Amazon - UK

A book involving domestic abuse is not one I would probably pick to read but as soon as I picked it up I was hooked. I’d seen a few posts and teasers about the book so naturally had to check it out once it came out, I needed to follow Kaidence’s journey and find out what happened in the end.
I wasn’t disappointed one bit, not that I thought I would be. I think I felt every reaction possible while reading the book, I went through anger, fear, disgust, happiness, sadness, surprise, shock and contempt. I had admiration at her strength and will to survive, but there were many times I wanted her to just run away from him for what he was doing to her but I know it’s not always that easy when they have a hold on you. I was also hoping that someone would give Mitchell a good beating for what he was doing to her and would have loved to have done it myself.
There were parts of the book that made me laugh and there were also parts that made me cry and in my opinion a book that can elicit that many emotions and responses is a very good book indeed.
I found this book was very well written and you can tell that this story took many years to manifest into what it is now, a lot of care and emotion was put into the writing of the book. It seemed like the situation was very well researched with procedures that could be put into place and experiences that are suffered, I can imagine that his book had a personal story somewhere behind it and could have been very hard to write. That all being said it was written well and I am glad I got to read it.
I recommend people read this book even if you think it’s not what you would normally go for because you will be surprised at how much you really enjoy it. I cannot wait to see what’s next in line from this new up and coming author. Well done Clare on your first self published booked, you should be proud of yourself and hopefully it will give you encouragement to continue on with your writing because you definitely have a talent that you’ve obviously been hiding away. 

Angel Phoenix on Goodreads

When you read the blurb of a book that contains domestic violence, you know you’re in for a rollercoaster of emotion. What She Deserves is no different.
The first chapter is probably the hardest to read in the entire book, even though it’s not the only that describes what happens to Kaidence Hadaway. This is, in my opinion, because of the way Bentley writes about what is being done to Kaidence. It’s emotionless and very matter of fact which makes the reader realise how much she shuts down whilst being abused, tries to distance herself from what is happening - what has been happening for 10 months. But not once is anything written for shock value or glorification.
The story that follows is one that had me turning every page, needing to know what happens next with Kaidence and Jackson, the police officer hellbent on getting her away from Mitchell.
While there are romantic moments, this isn’t a romance book. It’s a book about survival and a story of fighting to find oneself after being lost for so long.
I can’t express how much I loved this book and I know it’ll be one that stays with me for a long time.

Mich Feeney on Amazon - UK

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